The Green Tree Parasol

If you don’t bring your camera with you everywhere you go, it’s inevitable: you’ll miss a shot and have regrets later. Most of the images I miss are from moments when I am behind the wheel of a car. We will be passing through some county road lacking a shoulder or safe place to pull over and the scene will go by so fast. It’s too long a walk back for the image; perhaps that moment has also passed.

Leaping Boy, Be Happy Shirt, Green Tree Umbrella

Leaping Boy, Be Happy Shirt, Green Tree Umbrella | 1/3200 sec.; F/7.1; ISO- 1600; 85mm

I was carrying my camera with me this time. Students in summer classes were transitioning into lunch period after enrichment courses. The girl with the green umbrella was walking erectly and smiling. As she passed me, she boasted that she had decorated the green tree parasol all by herself.

When I got home and examined my image, I was really pleased to have  noticed the boy on the left. He was leaping over patterns in the brick path.  It’s satisfying to witness tweens in carefree moments; those are few and far between.

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